Business of Service Blog is here to be a customer service resource for individuals, employees, small business owners, managers or anyone that has an opportunity to interact with customers. It is our belief that the customer service experience should be a positive commitment to providing a high quality of service regardless of who's doing the serving.

Business of Service is a support blog specializing in all types of customer service information, training resources and case studies. We're in the business of service!

"Well done is better than well said."

Ten Golden Rules of Customer Service - Part 3

This is the third and final part to the Ten Golden Rules of Customer Service. As I mentioned in part 2, this is by no means a comprehensive list of customer service rules but rather some core principles that should be adhered to regardless.

I fully realize that much if not all of this has been written about ad nauseum however, the content and its format may be more suitable for some than others or points are made that I haven't read elsewhere. It's my hope that you will find value in this series of articles and if it only helps one (1) other person, then I have been successful! Feel free to leave comments and offer suggestions.

Ten Golden Rules of Customer Service - Part 2

This is the second in a three part series of the 10 Golden Rules where the list actually begins. For some, this list will be anything but comprehensive yet for others, it may be more than can be absorbed at one time.

Hopefully, there is quality information that can be gleaned from this article, even if only a small snippet or two. For those wondering, yes the list is in order of priority but my priorities will differ from yours or your circumstances.

By the way, did I say thank you? Thank you for reading and do hurry back!

Ten Golden Rules Of Customer Service - Part 1

Have you ever had a bad experience when dealing with a business? Whether that business was a brick and mortar type or a merchant online, the basic principles of service after the sale remain unchanged. Unfortunately for many, the experiences of poor customer service do to.

Despite the enormous amount of time and money that’s devoted to studying customer service in business, why is it that so many businesses are so bad at it?

The Art of Customer Service

We have all experienced it, had a disdain for it and even been frustrated by it. It is poor customer service in all of its ugly manifestations. Whether it’s from being left on hold forever or not being able to get answers to questions or worse yet, a feeling that you have somehow imposed upon a sales associates time by actually having an interest in a product they’re offering.

For many if not most of us, it seems like common sense sprinkled with common courtesy to be professional and courteous to those who have sought assistance in some form. All to often, the reality is customer service is likened to a talking point with a dose of lip smacking and a don’t bother me attitude.

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