Business of Service Blog is here to be a customer service resource for individuals, employees, small business owners, managers or anyone that has an opportunity to interact with customers. It is our belief that the customer service experience should be a positive commitment to providing a high quality of service regardless of who's doing the serving.

Business of Service is a support blog specializing in all types of customer service information, training resources and case studies. We're in the business of service!

"Well done is better than well said."

Sales vs. Customer Service

The entire structure of a marketing based organization can be a prelude to systemic failure for the entire organization. What do I mean by this? In simple terms, established quota's imposed upon the sales force for new clients often times overshadow efforts to enhance or maximize sales through existing clients. In almost every organization, a sales department's entire existence is based upon acquiring new, and not taking care of existing customers. Where do you think most sales departments priorities are focused?

One of the very best examples I can think of that you can immediately identify with is a car dealership. The sales manager for that dealer hired on with the explicit understanding that there are goals to be met regardless of current economic downturns, unpopularity of vehicles being offered or manufacturer defects. You can bet the General Manager for that dealership is watching the numbers and could care less about excuses.

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